HR and Personnel, Marketing & PR, Trade - purchase and sale

Andrey Stanetsky

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От 1500 EUR

Направление деятельности

Розничная торговля

Тип работы

Полная занятость

Готов к переезду


Описание резюме

The qualified specialist with knowledge of German and English is looking for a job in Czech Republic.

Опыт работы

01.09.2019 – По настоящее время


Field and Development Manager. Sales department.

■ Developed and implemented motivation programs for trade/sales staff at all levels ■ Created from the scratch and development of the sellout team (15 shop ambassadors, 2 sales representatives) ■ Achieved the 110% increase at beko brand sales in partner stores ■ Created sales teams, condected in-house training (more than 200), supervised regional managers and promoters ■ Provided standart sales and sales targets assurance ■ Conducted market research and analysis, sales solutions to boost company sales revenue

01.04.2018 – 01.09.2019


National Training Manager. Sales department.

■ Controlled recruiting and management of sales representatives and promoters (Sellout team) ■ Developed and implemented of motivation programs for sales representatives ■ Developed and conducted internal (Ukraine) and external (Kyrgystan, Usbekistan, Georgia, Kasahstan) trainings ■ Managed event for different groups of people ■ Controlled the product availability and price monitoring at sale points ■ Conducted public demonstrations for groups (up to 125 people)

01.12.2007 – 01.04.2015


Product Trainer. Marketing.

■ Developed trainings ■ Conducted public demonstration for groups (up to 125 people) ■ Organized various events in many Ukrainian cities ■ Designed different trainings and educational programs ■ Prepared and adapted presentations and trainings for any audience

01.04.2015 – 01.09.2016


Regional Representative. Sales department.

■ Controlled the promoters' management (36 people) in Kyiv region + ■ Developed and implemented the staff bonus system ■ Developed and conducted business trainings, "Quality Presentation", "TTI system", "Effective Communication" ■ Resolved the conflict (both internal and external) ■ Increased sales from 18 to 32% in most trade points (due to the aforesaid measures)

01.09.2016 – 01.04.2018


Business Development Manager. Sales department.

■ Managed sales growth ■ Regulated recruiting and management of sales representatives ■ Developed and implemented of motivation programs for sales representatives ■ Developed and closed interaction with company's customers ■ Implemented sales plan of buying habits forecast; annual budgeting ■ Conducted market research and analysis, sales solutions to boost company sales revenue

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